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Historiography Physics

Star Trek Gospels of Jesus Warp Core

Courtesy of Gene�s time in the OSS during World War II, he had access to some very heavy research the allies captured from the third Reich. Which included research regarding the structures of �The Middle East� Roman Forum. But �Middle East� for short.

Which is in part where the name �middle East� came from for the area between Asia and Europe, e.g. Saudi Arabia, Iran/Iraq, and those areas.

Which brings up some very interesting ideas from which to explore further.

Mr Roddenberry in basic I am starting to think came up with the ideas for the Enterprise specifically from he, or Hedy, and or Leonardo Da Vinci stood approximately a dozen or more feet to the west of the Temple of Caesar in the Roman Forum West looking east down the Roman Forum Corridor. Seeing the middle and the eastern portion of the Roman Forum.

His imaginative, creative, and playful mind visualized how the buildings could/would have looked over the centuries and the hard to count the number of times those buildings were destroyed and rebuild from 1335 bce e.g. the Trojan War to present.

He looked at the Temple of Caesar the connected buildings from Caesar to the Temple of Venus, up and forwards by a sky bridge between the Temple of Venus one of the upper floors to the Coliseum, the Domus Aurea (Aurea means Dawn, Golden, or the Rising Sun. Also the address at the time was 666 Amber Road. However, the Dawn or the Light of Dawn is the foundation of the phrase �Christian� �The anointed one�. The blessing of the church is to touch sacred olive oil on the forehead in the sign of the cross. Jesus and the sermon on the mount of olives direct reference. In effect the Domus Aurea is Latin for the House of Christianity. But politics and other issues caused huge problems with that over the centuries from 50 ce to 500 and those details were intentional destroyed. Somehow the third Reich found them, and worked with them, which means that information was then handed to the allies OSS, of which Gene was charged with flying those items around to where he was ordered to. Which is a very long story.) Before that it was a City of Pillars in a collection of City of Pillars network. (The City of Pillars network is a subject for a different sequence of information.).

Gene looked and saw those buildings were connected, not just because they were all Julii family buildings, but they were in a line.

He looked and saw connection bridges between both long sides of the Temple of Venus. To the North/ Left and the South/Right. Where there used to be connection bridges to ancient Temples which had been present since shortly after the Trojan War. Aeneas being the son of Venus/Aphrodite.

There is a grave to the west of the Temple of Venus the Velia Hill. Since there are exactly 2 graves in the whole of the entire Roman Forum, minus the nastiness inside the Pit which used to be a multi storied underground building under the Forum West. But those bodies have not been located, most have long since turned to dust and no further remains of them other than trace amounts of where the rotted wood remains. Possibly some stone Djed, but that is highly doubtful. The Romans had little interest in keeping track or records of the bodies of the traitors tossed into that Pit.

Gene saw the Enterprise before him, in the 1940s just after the war ended.

He was a pilot for Pan Am and flew to Rome regularly as part of his job.

But this is not about Genes discovery of the Enterprise, that is in its own information area.

This is about the Warp technology which allows for the ship to travel faster than 186,000 mps or 300,000 kps.


Venus Aphrodite The Greco-Roman Goddess had a temple in the dead center of the Roman Forum. The Center/Middle of the Forum. Her mate or at least one of her mates was Mars, the other Vulcan. Indicating the engineering for both the Mem Ceremony and a Super Conductor. The Super Conductor being the domain of Vulcan/Hephaestus

Vulcan Hephaestus Greek and Roman mythology this character was a metallurgist. A being who was an expert in exactly how to work with all of the atoms, molecules, and most specifically metals of the universe.

So a superconductor is directly in the area of what Vulcan/Hephaestus would be part of. Extremes in temperature, the differing oddities of some molecules.

Add the Mars situation to this love triangle between Vulcan, Venus, and Mars. With the Coliseum literally a few hundred feet to the east.

Mars the Field of Mars and the Coliseum. Mars is the 1a portion of the Mem ceremony or at least the Roman version of it. Which usually entailed some type of violence.

Temple of Venus the first step in the room temperatures superconductor.

FreeMasonry If the hypothesis holds that the Temple of Venus was a copy of King Solomons Temple than this room temperature Super Conductor has direct and physical links with FreeMasonry.

The Temple of Venus being the Roman in basic �Main Grand Lodge� and the connected buildings being the area Grand Lodge, e.g. the Grand Lodge of the Palatine Hill with smaller temples being the lodges of that Grand Lodge Jurisdiction. Which applies to each of the 7 Hills of Rome. As well as the Hills outside of the Walls of Rome Proper.

Each Hill in effect ruled over its section of the City. The 7 areas of the City were in basic up to a point in the Dark Ages was in effect ruled over by the 7 Hills. 6 controlling their areas, the 7th e.g. the Velia Hill/Temple of Venus controlling the happenings of the Forum itself. Rome till the reorganization when the Palatine Hill was in essence abandoned and left alone. The Structures on the Hill were either left in place, or over time were pilfered for their building materials to be reused in other structures. But for the most part the Palatine Hill and its area of rule and control has been abandoned for the last about 700 years. Before those buildings on that Hill were abandoned, those buildings were used as the hub of activities of those sections of the city. The Palatine Hill had such a harsh and haunted reputation that despite the facts that the area of Rome has a huge population, those acres of land were mostly left untouched for the last give or take 1000 years. Land in Rome proper being of the absolute premium in price, Rome being the capital of Italy. But still those acres for the last give or take 1000 years have been determined to be Haunted, or some other �do not touch� area. It is also helpful that in the legends that area is the childhood home of Romulus and Remus. During the Medieval Ages, that area was considered holy ground and could not be touched/messed with, or bad luck, etc. other bad things would/could occur in that area. Which comes back to the ideas that the ancient Romans and the residences of the city of Samhain (7 hills) possessed technology which even if partially to mostly dismantled over the centuries still had some aspects of it that worked. A partial working and partially not working electrical generator would/could do massive damage to some items and people if it was touched/activated incorrectly.

Which could be one major reason the Vatican chose to force all in its sphere of influence to go 100% ignorant 100% of the time from 400 ce to about 1600. Minus of the course the by capital punishment the guild structure, which is in a huge part still very active in the present. The guild structure allowed some types of education to come back, but only if those in power and control were allowing that information to be scientifically explored and studied. Which solved portions of that Vatican control over the guild system, but then Prussian Puritans e.g. Protestants and their slightly different take on the bible imposed their capital crime military ideas upon the guild system, and changed it just slightly to make it their own. Instead of one person e.g. the Pope making the decisions, local church leaders would make the decisions regarding what could be and what could not be studied by the scholars in their institutions. The local church leaders performing an in effect reverse representative government upon the �review boards� of the areas they are in charge of. The church leader would preach to their congregation, and the strongest, powerful, richest, etc. would join review and community boards and they would direct those boards to do what the protestant clergy advised.

The Velia Hill itself e.g. the Temple of Venus controlled both sides e.g. east and west side of the Roman Forum. If the hypothesis is correct the Temple of Venus itself is a copy of King Solomons Temple. Thus, the Velia Hill e.g. the Temple of Venus would be both the Temple of Venus and act as a de facto Temple of Janus with its East and West sides controlling the goings on of each side of the Roman Forum. The East being in the charge of the Julii family and their Machine activities. The West side being the government and how to manage the city properly side of the Forum.

The Government structures being on the West side of the Velia Hill, and the Julii structures being on the East side. Which more than a little speculation and odd history stems from the events, happenings, and the goings on of the East side of the Roman Forum.

However it is entirely clear in most ways that what the Julii family had built on the East side, those structures were part of a much larger operational structure which most of the rest of Rome wasmostly if not completely ignorant of.

Which is where FreeMasonry enters the Picture. If the Temple of Venus is a copy of King Solomons Temple (the Romans were not exactly what can be defined as pro Semitic; dispatching Jews was an almost daily occurrence from 753 bce to the last day the Roman Empire existed and was a centerpiece of the Third Reich�s daily existence), said temple would be the Roman equivalent of UGLE (United Grand Lodge of England), which would not exist till post 1600 ce. Although UGLE is located in a city which was both in part founded by the Julii family specifically Emperor Claudius, and then greatly enhanced by other members of the Julii family that would be Empress Helena and her son Constantine the Great. But that is another story.

Scientifically the alter in the temple of the structure (almost all Roman structures had a temple of some kind, shape, or form built into them. From the smallest domestic house to the largest buildings in Rome. Almost every single one had some type of an alter too A or a multitude of roman deities/schema) would be a single point. That single point/alter when then expand out its influence to a given area. Be that area just the house, the street, the neighborhood, expanding out depending on the influence of the structure and the family occupying that structure. For the Julii family, they controlled both the Middle and East portions of the Roman Forum, the Palatine Hill, the Circus Maximus, the Caelian Hill, and portions of the Capitoline Hill. Which was a large portion of the entire whole of Rome proper itself. Their main temple e.g. the Temple of Venus being the �Grand Temple/Lodge of the Forum� the area of their influence, and the city itself. This area of influence is the subject which is under direct examination for the hypothesized Roman room temperature Super Conductor. Where different Electro Magnetic waves from the smallest alters to the Temple of Venus would in all hard reality direct the compress, etc. from the millions of structures in the City of Rome to the Closed circuit which is the Temple of Venus. But the Temple of Venus itself is in a collection of Closed circuits all designed architecturally to create, direct, compress, etc. the Electro Magnetic waves from all over the city and surrounding areas into that main circle/circuit. Which that Main circuit would then be used for a multitude of actions/behaviors. One said action/behavior would be an Electro Magnetic Waves Radio Telescope e.g. the Coliseum, one would be for a hypothesized room temperature super conductor.

From the West to the East from the Governing and management of Rome to the application of what the Julii family did in those collections of buildings. From the Vatican to the Castle of Angels, across the field of Mars and those 100k buildings each with its own temples and Electro Magnetic compression architecture. To the Capitoline Hill with its unique Electro Magnetic directing and channeling architecture. Through the Forum West to the Temple of Venus into the Electro Magnetic structures of the Temple of Venus. Through the Temple of Venus both into the circuit and of course into the Coliseum to be broadcast up and to anyone�s guess, per minute over the course of a year. Especially since the Oculus/Shutter/Canvas Roof (which had gold threat woven into it) to focus the Electro Magnetic waves coming into it from the openings all around.

Hercules Dimension travel

Tasks the

Demi Gods the

Olympics the

Hercules and Rome the

Trojan War the

Aeneas Dimension Travel

Dante Dimension travel

zz the

Leonardo Da Vinci

Hypnerotomachia Poliphili Dimension travel

Halliwell Manuscript the

Star Trek Halliwell Manuscript Dimension Travel Dimension Travel

UGLE the

Temple of Venus East the

Coliseum the

City of Pillars the

Domus Aurea the

Coliseum to Mars the

Palace of Claudius the

Aqueduct the

Domus Julii the

Temple of Julii the

Aqueduct the

Temple of Venus the

Completing the Circuit the


Tabernacle The Tabernacle is the structure which was/is at the center of the Garden of Eden. A fountain which flows into a pond, which has 4 rivers which come from the fountains overflow. Those four rivers come off from the pond in the 4 cardinal directions. North, South, East, West. Those Rivers flow between 4 areas of land. Those areas of land are in basic squares, making eventually very a very large square.

On those squares of land are trees to be nourished by the water, and hold the soil in pace in order to

(Egypt and the Lush Gardens) maintain a solid footing for the Trees to root in. There are 4 trees, the four trees of creation. Which was edited from 4 to a single tree presumably when these stories were translated from IE language into Sumerian/Hieroglyphics.

The Four trees are positioned inside 4 Tents, which are built around the Trees. To help in harvesting, help during the winter, and assist with other tree related issues.

Those tents have a name, they are called Kaaba. Structured to allow for tasks to be achieved, in and around those trees.

The Kaaba is the focus of the point of this academic examination. Those 4 Kaaba represent the 4 areas of buildings from which make up the middle eastern portion of the Roman Forum.

The buildings specific are; the Temple of Venus, Coliseum, Palace of Claudius, Domus Julii/Temple, back to Venus. With Aqueduct connections between the Domus Julii both ways.



The Pyramids of Egypt

Djedefre Caelian Hill

Giza Capitoline Hill

z4z Palatine Hill







The Forum

Capitoline Hill

Palatine HIll

Caelian Hill

Velia Hill

Esquiline Hill





Element the Shoe stylist

Super Position


Mecca is designed wrong, it is supposed to be like the above, but was designed wrong.



Personal Dynamic how does one use their talent, powers, skills, transitions, learning processes (both the home learning <domus Julii>, and the community learning<Temple of Julii>)

Family Dynamic say the individual is the Temple of Venus. That Structure being the person, they interact with their community. That interaction with their community takes on several dynamics. The aggressors in their life, those that are skilled, the Transition into x things, the transition out of x things, and the north south duality of the Domus Julii/Temple of Julii.

Year Dynamic Each building in the circle/circuit








Previous To the Current

Situations and People who Led to the Construction

Construction Pre Production

Construction Begins

Construction Progression and Details

How Long since Construction Ended

Events of the Structure since Construction Ended

Building Modifications

Current Configuration


People Involved

Location Involved









































































Elder Futhark


TR Welling